Early autumn lawn care

Although summer is behind us, we still want to enjoy the beautiful lawn, which will be a showcase of the house inviting guests inside. However, how to take care of him in the fall? Is there any way to do this? Below are five steps that will allow you to start early autumn lawn care.

1. Scarifying

It is a procedure that aims to cut the turf and remove dry remnants from it, as well as surface humus, thereby increasing soil elasticity, aerating it and allowing better water access. Scarifying should be done primarily in the spring – autumn is an additional period for her, which should be used in case of need. Another treatment that can be done is sand blasting, i.e. covering the lawn surface with sand. This action is to loosen and increase the permeability of the backfilled soil.

2. Fertilisation and spraying

During the autumn lawn care, it is also worth fertilizing it with a special preparation. It should be poorer in nitrogen, and at the same time richer in phosphorus and potassium – its task is to limit grass growth, as well as to strengthen and prepare it for the winter. It’s best to make them with a seeder, so you can be sure that fertilization will be accurate and the dosage appropriate. It is important that the operation is carried out on dry grass. An additional treatment that will help maintain the lawn in good condition are spraying. However, importantly, they can not be done on the lawn established this season, or at least one-year-old. It’s best to do them a few days after mowing and a few days before the next one. Thanks to this, we can get rid of unwanted weeds.

3. Mowing

Here the rule is simple: it’s about regularity. Mowing as a duplicate operation has already gained a special role since spring in September, because the grass has perfect conditions to grow quickly. Her observation will allow you to assess when it should be mowed. It is good to start autumn mowing in the afternoon hours, thanks to which the lawn will be even and uneven after the treatment.

4. Irrigation

Although autumn is a wet season, we don’t know anything about temperature and precipitation – that’s why you should not forget about irrigation and, if necessary, intensify the lawn with water.

5. Sowing lawn

Due to humidity and relatively high temperature, September is the perfect time for early autumn lawn spreading. In addition, it is a month from which there is still a lot of time until the first frosts, which also promotes seeding. As you can see, autumn is the perfect time to take care of the appearance and health of your lawn, and thanks to our advice you can do it yourself. Find out how much this will change in the perception of your garden!

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